Adult Faith Formation Opportunities
Deacon Don Schmidt, (660) 723-5452
Programs/mini-courses/classes are offered throughout the year to adults and teens who would like to enrich their faith and their understanding of the Catholic Church. An Adult Faith Formation Committee meets regularly to plan for these events. New Committee members are always welcome
Deacon Richard Harden, 537-6990 x305
Sometimes a person enters into a marriage that subsequently fails and ends in divorce. Divorced Catholics may participate fully in the sacramental life of the church. However, if he or she decides to remarry, a declaration of nullity must be sought in order to allow the Catholic party to marry within the guidelines of the Catholic Church. This process is frequently referred to as “getting an annulment.” A person who enters a second marriage without an annulment is not free to receive the sacraments. To pursue an annulment in order to be married in the church or to have your current marriage blessed, please contact the parish office. Naturally, privacy is always honored.
RCIA (becoming Catholic)
Deacon Richard Harden, 537-6990 x305
Click here for the RCIA information page.
Young Adults
Deacon Brigeete Kurtenbach, 537-6990 x311
Click here for the Young Adults information page.
Engaged couples should contact the parish office at least nine months prior to the planned wedding date. This allows sufficient time to complete the Marriage Preparation Process. It is expected that at least one person is a registered and active member of the parish. Weddings are usually celebrated on either Friday or Saturday, although they may be scheduled on other days when the circumstances require it. A detailed book with information on marriage policies and procedures is available at the time of the first visit with the priest or deacon.
Scripture Study
Several study and sharing groups currently exist in the parish and may be open to more members. Please call the parish office for more information. Additionally, we would be happy to assist any group of friends or neighbors who would like to start a scripture group.