Book Club

Patricia Woodle,
Book Club is held the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM. The group has been meeting about 6 years with a membership of about twenty people. This club is open to anyone that is interested. Please watch the bulletin for current location and information or contact Barb Brady or Josephine Lampton for questions.

Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts

Cub Scout Pack 54 is a strong organization with approximately 75 registered scouts. We meet weekly during the school year for den meetings and once a month Pack meetings on Thursday evenings. The Pack is strengthened by a high level of adult involvement, supported by a strong national organization that includes a well-organized program of activities throughout the year. A large percentage of Webelos II rank advance and crossover into Troop 54.

Boy Scout Troop 54 meets on Monday evenings.  Monthly camp-outs and special activities are planned throughout the year.

Bridge Marathon

Kathy Rolfe at 816-237-0519 or

This has changed to duplicate on Friday mornings during the summer but if anyone is interested in restarting the fundraiser/party bridge play let Kathy know! We did play bridge as a community builder and fundraiser September through May, usually on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. It was run as two continuing sessions: September through early December and then starting up anew January through early May. We played from 7:00 PM to about 10:00 PM. You would play with your own partner the entire evening but play 7 hands each against three different sets of opponents. We play social or party bridge, keeping a running total throughout each session. We return your cost of play to you if you are the highest scorer for any given night. We also pay prize money to the top three pairs at the end of the fall and spring sessions. The cost to play was $4 per night per person. If you play, you sign on for the entire session, pay, and either play or provide a substitute to play in your absence.

Since our inception in the fall of 2003, we have raised over $8500 for the Church.

Chair Yoga

Clara Vaughn, 816-830-8855

Chair Yoga is offered to adult parishioners on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM in the gym. Classes are taught by Clara Vaughn, yoga instructor. Watch the bulletin for class dates and fees.

Gather us in for dinner

Pat Knight, 816-966-9071

Members of the parish gather once a month on the 2nd Saturday for an opportunity to enjoy a meal together. Participants take turns hosting for this popular parish activity.

Golf Tournament

The Holy Spirit Golf Tournament is held annually in August or September and for several years has been played on the Shamrock Hills Golf Course in southern Lee’s Summit. Following the tournament, golfers and their families gather at the Church for a dinner and awarding of prizes. Everyone is welcome to join the fun!

Knights of Columbus Council 8334

Don Spencer

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal organization whose members are dedicated to supporting their local parish and community while developing rewarding friendships with men of similar values and character. We are committed to many activities in the areas of family, church, youth, community, and council. Our mission is to be the strong right arm of the Catholic Church and the parish priest by offering our services to support their various needs. We are ardent defenders of the right to life and strong supporters of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Council #8334 at Holy Spirit reactivated in the Spring of 2007. Our business meeting is the first Wednesday of every month. We sponsor many activities throughout the year including parish breakfasts, fish fry’s, rosaries, family events, youth activities, assistance with parish projects, council fundraisers, Tootsie Roll Drive and Roses for Life to name a few. We invite all Catholic men 18 years of age or older to join us as we work together to strengthen our faith, our families, our church, our community, and our country.

Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary

Mary Markey

Click here for an informational flyer

The Ladies Auxiliary is comprised of any and all ladies in the parish.  The mission of the Ladies Auxiliary is to

  1. Promote sociability among the members;
  2. Support the needs of our church with pantry supplies, assistance in fund raising events, and hosting receptions for selected church functions;
  3. Promote Charitable activities; and
  4. Assist in promoting the welfare of the Missouri State Council of the Knights of Columbus and to support our parish Knights of Columbus Council #8334.

Some of the activities that the Ladies Auxiliary organizes include Donut Sunday, October Marketplace, Confirmation Reception, Taco Dinner, and Thrifty Threads.  Meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7 pm where we discuss current business, plan activities, socialize, and enjoy guest speakers.  We are open to new ideas and suggestions, so please bring your ideas and come join us. 

MomCo (Formerly Mothers of Preschoolers-MOPS)

MomCo (formerly MOPS) is a group for mothers (of children birth-kindergarten) and mothers-to-be who support and encourage each other by sharing their mothering experience. We meet the first Thursday (September-May) from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM at Holy Spirit in Meeting Rooms A&B. A play date is held on the third Thursday of the month.

October Marketplace (Craft Sale)

Ann Cooke, 816-225-5872

The Ladies Auxiliary and Marketplace Committee work together to put on the October Marketplace craft sale. We have around 50 exhibitors, door prizes, bakery items, lunch items and much more. This is also where we display the handmade quilt made by the quilting group. The drawing is done in the afternoon for the lucky winner. Planning for this starts in early May when we send out a mailing to potential vendors/crafters. Each year we make over 100 homemade pies to sell at the bakery. The money from this event helps to provide much-needed pantry items for the entire church including paper goods such as plates, napkins, silverware, cups, etc. equipment for the kitchen. It takes many volunteers to put on such an awesome event but we all have a lot of fun doing it. This event is held on the 3rd Saturday in October each year.

Click here for the October Marketplace letter

Click here for the October Marketplace registration form

Quilting Group

Jane Spencer, 816-535-5095

These ladies make a quilt each year for the October Marketplace quilt drawing. They meet the second Thursday of each month at the church to sew items to sell.  New members are always welcome.